Superior Court Judge - Grays Harbor County, Department 3

Thank you for visiting my website. Your time and support are important to me!

Hi, I’m Steve.

I am running for Superior Court Judge in Grays Harbor County Department 3 and I’m looking for your vote.

My mission is to serve the people of Grays Harbor County through the efficient and accessible administration of justice, where all persons are treated with integrity, fairness and respect. The rule of law will be strengthened and public safety will be paramount. The Courtroom will be the place where justice is tethered.



  • Despite the often antagonistic positions of the parties on the opposite side of a dispute, all the court participants, including me, will allow for people to be heard, without interruption, and the decision that will be rendered will be born out of patience, respect and everyone being heard.

  • When I am judge, I will truly listen to the witnesses, lawyers, victims, and court staff. Advocates will advocate. People will be heard.

  • Judges are not police officers. Judges are not lawyers. Judges are not the president or king. Our state and federal Constitutions delineate how each of the branches of government coexist in an integral, yet independent way. That concept will be upheld as the judiciary will honor that critical division.

  • Integrity: The Court will be trustworthy, diligent, and accountable by holding itself to a high standard of excellence in the execution of justice and public service.

    Fairness: The Court will be impartial in all actions, procedures, decisions, and in the treatment of all the participants.

    Transparency: The Court will provide visibility on how decisions are made tostakeholders both inside and outside the courtroom by using clear communication.

Let’s connect and have a conversation.

I would love to get together and discuss what matters to you, and I’d be glad to answer any questions I can that the rules allow.

Go ahead and reach out and I’ll do my best to get you the information that you are wanting.

Grays Harbor County, Washington

β€œTo go to a judge is to go to justice, for the ideal judge is, so to speak, justice personified.”
β€” Aristotle