Contact Steve

Your concerns are my concerns. I want to hear from you!

Contact me to share your thoughts or to learn more about how I am working to represent you.

Opportunities to Support the Campaign

Please fill out the form above to let us know how you would like to support. Thank you!


Your vote is the single most important thing you can give any candidate, and we do not take that decision lightly.

Display a Sign

We have signs that we would love for you to display in your yard, out in your field, or in your business.

Hand out Flyers & Cards

We have flyers and cards you can hand out to your family members, friends, neighbors, or that one guy walking down the street.

Be Active Online

Like, comment and share our Facebook posts, or direct people to our website on social media. Help us beat the algorithm and get Steve’s message out to the community!

Volunteer at a Fundraiser

Show your support for Steve while connecting with the community!

Or you could volunteer with a sign-holding party on the street getting drivers' attention (safely, of course).


Show your support for Steve financially by donating to the committee to elect Steve Jackson as Superior Court Judge.

Any second or any cent you spend supporting this campaign is a second and a penny further than we would ever be without you.

Please don't ever think you can't make a difference. Just by reading this, you already have. Thank you!