Thank you to the following list of political, judicial, law enforcement, community members & supporters who have trusted me with their endorsement!

Appellate Judge Rebecca Glasgow, Division 2 of the Washington State Court of Appeals

Appellate Judge Anne Cruser, Division 2 of the Washington State Court of Appeals

Appellate Judge Robert Lawrence-Berrey, Division 3 of the  Washington State Court of Appeals

Devin Bartlett, Prosecutors Office - Yakima, WA

Carly Dolan, Superior Court Judge - Mendocino, CA

Ralph Thompson, Retired Judge

Troy Meyers, Westport City Council Position #2 

John Fields, Dorothy Harry, Evie Harry

Jeff Swan, Yakima County Superior Court Judge

Lindsay Boswell, Committee to Re-elect Judge Jared Boswell

Ed Welter, GHSO Detective

Richard Draven

Cathy Colley

Heather Gaytan, Northwest Justice Project Support Staff

Judge Vini Samuel

Judge Katherine Svoboda

Commissioner Jill Warne

Brian Blake

“I have had the distinct honor of working with Steve as a Grays Harbor County Prosecutor. During that time Steve has proven again and again to not only be an exceptional attorney with a deep understanding of law but also a tireless public servant with a passion for justice. More importantly Steve is a deeply kind and thoughtful person who always endeavors to treat others with respect and compassion regardless of the situation. Having tried cases in a multitude of Superior Courts and worked with more incredible attorneys than I can name I cannot think of a person better suited to the position of Judge than Steve. His character, intelligence, and dedication to this community are powerfully displayed in his approach to both law and life. As a judge Steve would bring a vast amount of experience, intellectual ability, and judicious temperament that simply are unmatched. The Grays Harbor County Superior Court and the people of this community would be better off with Steve on the bench. I am honored to know Steve, to have worked with him, and to enthusiastically endorse him for this judicial position.”

— Albert Didcock

“Steve has been a neighbor for years.  Not only has he been a great member of the community, but he’s also super friendly and an all around great guy.  My son has also helped Steve and his family and has always had nothing but fantastic things to say. I’d definitely recommend Steve as he has the character, the compassion and kindness that we can use in our Justice system. Steve definitely has our vote.”

— Amber Adams

“Steve has high integrity and is great to work with. Our first guilty verdict in superior court together on a sex offense was a big win for the community. Thank you Steve and I look forward to your rulings as a Grays Harbor County Superior Court Judge. Jackson 4 Judge, Jackson 4 Justice. - Your favorite Sergeant” 

— Steve Beck

“Best of luck my friend! You’d be an amazing judge.  All my Grays Harbor friends vote for Steve Jackson for Judge. I’ve had the pleasure of working with him in Yakima and he’s truly an amazing guy and will be an amazing Judge.”

— Billie Anne Maggard,

Yakima WA, Elected Clerk, Yakima County Clerk's Office

“Steve is an all around great guy. He’s a man with a plan. I’ve known Steve for most of my life and he always shows up for the people in his community and life. He’s a great dad, friend, mentor, and coach. He uplifts every room and approaches all situations in a way where he can see multiple sides to every story. Steve is a great leader and team player. Jackson for Judge!”

— Taylor Alvarado

“Good luck. You were amazing to work with, keeping the rights of both sides of the courtroom in your role as a prosecutor. Your temperament would be an asset to the bench and the citizens of Grays Harbor County.”

— Christopher Gray, Soldotna AK,

Retired Yakima County Sheriff's Office Detective

“Steve Jackson is a needed addition to the Grays Harbor Superior Court Bench and would make an excellent judge. I have been a prosecutor for over 12 years and I've had the benefit of appearing before judicial officers from municipal courts, district courts, and superior/circuit courts. What makes an excellent judge is a calm demeanor, a rational understanding of the law and procedure, and compassion for those that appear in front of them. Steve is well versed in Washington's criminal statutes and the criminal procedure affecting the superior court. I have seen him in situations that can have high stress, as well as difficult procedures, and he's calmly given direction to the office and the deputy prosecutors under him. I have observed Steve building a solid connection with victims of crime before they need to speak to the court. I would love to say that Steve was a poor candidate only because the Grays Harbor Prosecutor's office would miss his leadership and presence, but I know that he would serve the community even better as a superior court judge. I would encourage those that can, to vote for Steve in this election.”

— Tye Graham

“As a Detective Sergeant, I work with Steve almost daily. He is an experienced jurist. Steve is inclusive in his decision making regarding how cases are best handled. Steve has the experience, the knowledge and the demeanor required to be a fair and impartial Judge, with a balanced judicial philosophy that has been lacking on the bench in GH Superior Court Department #3. Join me in voting for a needed change, which will judiciously support victims in our county and hold those who wish to do harm to us accountable. Please vote, and when you do, Vote Steve Jackson for GH Superior Court Judge, Department #3.”

— Gary Sexton

“I hope you are elected to Superior Court Judge! I always enjoyed visiting with you at the prosecutors office and seeking legal advice from you regarding case investigations, search warrants, etc. I always respected your honesty and professionalism! In my opinion you will make an awesome Superior Court Judge that will be fair in hearing and deciding cases!”

— Randy Sperle, Moxee WA,

Retired Wapato Detective 

“I had the pleasure of working with Steve for many years in Mendocino County, California. He was always a stand up guy. He was professional, ethical and always fought hard for the People, the victims and the defendants (when he worked as a PD). I highly recommend him for Judge!!”

— Kristen Lozano

“Steve has consistently demonstrated fairness, integrity, and a strong commitment to upholding the law. Steve's commitment to the staff that work under him underscore his leadership skills. I believe Steve Jackson would be a great addition to the Grays Harbor County Superior Court bench!”

— Eric Schuler

“I have had the pleasure of knowing Steven Jackson for a few years while working for him as a Legal Assistant at the Grays Harbor County Prosecuting Attorney's Office and I can confidently say that he possesses the necessary qualities and skills to excel as Superior Court Judge.While working for Steve, he showed integrity, honesty, and passion in not only his work, but his staff and his community.

As a member of Grays Harbor County, I believe it is essential to elect leaders who are committed to improving our community, and Steve Jackson is one such leader. Steve has demonstrated commitment to our County and I believe he will continue to work tirelessly to uphold his position with respect, honesty and integrity. I am positive Steve will make an impact in our Justice system. Steve Jackson has my vote for Superior Court Judge! Way to go Steve!!”

Misty Mann

“I’ve had the pleasure of working with Steve for almost two years now — Steve embodies exceptional qualities of kindness, compassion, and a profound belief in the inherent goodness of every individual. What’s more admirable is his openness to criticism and continuous self-improvement, showing a dedication to serving with integrity. His dedication to justice and his genuine care for the well-being of others make him an outstanding candidate.”

— Juanita Puga Delarosa

“I had the distinct honor of working with Steve as a deputy prosecuting attorney for nearly a decade in Yakima County, where I currently serve as a Superior Court Judge. Our work in the Special Assault/Domestic Violence unit in Yakima involved cases with a high prevalence of trauma for the parties involved as well as highly technical evidence, subject matter experts and legal procedures. Steve was able to balance all of these elements in a decisive but fair manner, which is precisely what a good judge will do in their courtroom.

As a prosecutor, Steve had the courage to take tough and complex cases. A good attorney analyzes any case from all angles, which is a key skill for serving on the bench. Steve’s natural ability to approach justice in this way will be a tremendous asset to the people of Grays Harbor County.

Steve’s goal was always to preserve law and justice. I am confident that he will carry this commitment to service and pursuit of justice to the role of judge for Grays Harbor County.”

— Judge Jared A. Boswell,

Yakima County Superior Court, Department 5

“I work locally as a detective and have had the opportunity to work closely with Steve. Steve is a skilled prosecutor and would make a fantastic judge. His intellect, calm demeanor, and reasonableness are exactly what we need in a judge.”

— David Tarrence

“Steve has been fantastic to work with and for. I am confident he will make an excellent judge.”

—Mike Giglio

“I enthusiastically support Steve Jackson for Superior Court Judge for Grays Harbor County, Washington. I have had the privilege of knowing Steve for many years, and deeply respect his integrity, legal acumen and commitment to his community.

I worked with Steve at Heritage University, a Native American and Latino serving institution. I witnessed him mentor students and provide informative educational experiences to those students. Equally important, he was fair, empathetic and humble.”

— Kimberly Bellamy-Thompson

“I have been a detective for over two years in Grays Harbor County and have personally worked with Jackson on a wide range of cases. Jackson had always been professional and a pleasure to work with. He has an abundance of knowledge and wisdom with his years as a prosecutor and is a great prosecutor you want on your case. In my experience, dealing with people in his position humility is a rarity. Jackson always asked for my input and was willing to listen and change his stance if I was able to provide a compelling argument. This is the reason why I am endorsing him as the next Superior Court Judge. You need someone in that position that is willing to listen to the facts of the case and base their judgement on that alone, not throw in their own personal bias. Steve Jackson has the experience, wisdom, and humility to be a great judge, and he has my full support.”

— Stefan Green

“Steve Jackson would make a fantastic judge and I highly recommend him for the position of Superior Court Judge. Steve and worked together for many years prosecuting serious cases and throughout that time I always found him to be intelligent, hardworking, and fair. The people of Grays Harbor County are fortunate to have him working for them now as a prosecutor, but would be even more fortunate to have him serving them as a judge.”

— Gary Hintze,

Yakima County District Court Judge

“They say character is what you do when no one is looking. Steve has character in spades.

I had the pleasure of working with Steve for four years while we were both prosecutors for the Yakima County Prosecutor's Office. When I started back in 2016, I was brand new to prosecution. Like nearly all young prosecutors, I was completely lost, overwhelmed and terrified of making a very stupid mistake.

Within a week on the job, I already had my first misdemeanor jury trial confirmed to start the following week. I came into the office on Saturday to prepare for trial. The entire floor was empty except for Steve's office. He was working on a murder trial - obviously far more serious than my DUI case. However, he took time out of his day to introduce himself, ask about my case, share advice and answer a host of very stupid questions. I doubt Steve would even remember this now, but that small gesture always stuck with me. Over the years, I saw Steve share his wealth of experience and knowledge with all the new prosecutors, despite not even acting as their direct supervisor.

Steve treated everyone he interacted with - from the courthouse janitors to Judges - with kindness, dignity and respect. I have no doubt he would bring that same temperament to the bench. The people of Grays Harbor would be extremely lucky to have him serve as Judge for Superior Court.”

— Gary Hersey

“It has been a joy to get acquainted with Steve over the years. He is a kind hearted individual with a desire to help others. He is compassionate about being a voice for those who find themselves unable to speak. He listens with an open mind and heart to those around him. He approaches situations with integrity and his mind clear, ready to receive information from an unbiased perspective.

Not only do I think he would be an excellent judge, I think he would be an asset to humanity while in the position.

Our judicial system needs people like Steve Jackson who are committed to making the system work, as opposed to people who only have a desire to use the system as a political stepping stone. A vote for Jackson for judge is a vote for a better Grays Harbor community.”

— Crystal Lewis,

Energetic Advisor and Practitioner

“Good luck my friend. The citizens of Grays Harbor and area would most definitely benefit from your knowledge and experience as a Judge. I always admired your drive and enthusiasm in getting to the truth and procuring justice for the people of the community.”

— Dan Cypher, Yakima WA, Yakima County Sheriff's Office Detective

“I’m endorsing Steve Jackson for Judge and here’s why; I’m fortunate because I have worked with Mr. Jackson. As an opposition attorney I saw his character demonstrated daily in sometimes a tense moment. But always Steve treated all parties with courtesy, dignity, respect and professionalism. I truly value these characteristics when dealing with opposing counsel and the Bench. It is such a loss for my county he moved. Yakima bench would have benefited but one county’s loss will be another county’s gain. Congratulations Grays Harbor.”

— John Chambers

“I am honored to endorse Mr. Jackson for the position of Grays Harbor Superior Court Judge. With a distinguished career in the legal field, Mr. Jackson has consistently demonstrated a deep commitment to justice, fairness, and integrity. His extensive experience as a legal professional, combined with a profound understanding of the law, makes him exceptionally qualified for this role. I believe he will have a positive impact to our community and legal system.”

— Amanda Benson

“I have had the pleasure of knowing Steve Jackson for over 35 years, and throughout our longstanding friendship, I have come to deeply appreciate and respect the qualities that make him an exceptional candidate for this important role.
From the moment we met I was struck by Steve's unwavering integrity, keen sense of justice, and profound empathy. In fact, he exhibited these traits the very first night we met, when he trained me as a busboy. At the end of the evening us workers were divvying up tips that I as a trainee was not entitled to receive. However, not only did Steve give me tip money, he split the pot with me evenly because he told me it was the right thing to do. And these traits he exhibited on the first night of knowing him have only become more evident and pronounced over the years. In countless situations, I have witnessed him demonstrate a strong moral compass and an unyielding commitment to doing what is right, even when faced with difficult choices.
Beyond his sense of fairness, Steve has always been known for his exceptional ability to listen. By taking the time to actually hear where people are coming from, it allows him to understand different perspectives, and make balanced and thoughtful decisions. I imagine this quality is especially important in a judicial role, where the ability to listen and comprehend nuance can make a significant difference in outcomes.
In conclusion, I wholeheartedly endorse Steve Jackson for Superior Court Judge. His exceptional character, integrity, empathy, and unwavering commitment to justice make him an ideal candidate for this role. I am confident that he will serve with distinction and honor, bringing fairness and wisdom to every decision he makes.”

— Howard Vandals

“I am pleased to endorse Steve Jackson for Judge in the Grays Harbor County Superior Court. Having worked numerous major crimes cases with Steve over the years, I have witnessed firsthand his unwavering commitment to justice and his deep understanding of the law. His distinguished career as an attorney, coupled with his integrity, fairness, and dedication to serving the community, makes him exceptionally qualified for this role. Steve’s ability to listen with empathy and render decisions with thoughtfulness and compassion will greatly benefit our judicial system. I have no doubt that Steve Jackson will be a judicious and impartial arbiter, upholding the highest standards of justice for Grays Harbor County.”

— TJ Millard

“ Respect for the courts is at an all time low. Ethical concerns of our U.S. Supreme Court justice system may be no longer fair and impartial. However, respect is earned and it starts in our local courts. Steven Jackson appeared in my court numerous times and developed a reputation as a highly ethical, hardworking deputy prosecutor. He earned my respect. I know he will earn your respect as a Grays Harbor Superior Court Judge. Vote for Steven Jackson.”

— Judge Richard Bartheld

“A judge must have five essential characteristics: patience, dignity, fairness, impartiality, and honesty in decision making. If the bench is lacking in any one of these crucial characteristics it is time for a new judge. In Grays Harbor Superior Court Department 3, it is time for a new judge. In my time knowing Steve Jackson, both as a prosecutor and also as a defense attorney, it is apparent that not only does Mr. Jackson have these qualities but he also has so many more.

Electing Steve Jackson as Superior Court Judge for Department 3 is an asset that the citizens of Grays Harbor are sorely missing.

If you want an individual presiding over the serious legal issues the citizens of this great county experience with the perfect demeanor, fairness, knowledge and respect for the parties before the court, elect Steve Jackson for Grays Harbor Superior Court Judge, Department 3.”

— Anthony Martinez

“If you want to put your trust in someone to do the job with the upmost respect and honor the significant weight he will carry in this position trust Steven Jackson. I fully believe he’s going to be the best for the job. I endorse Steven Jackson for Judge.”

— Erica Rydman

“You have a golden opportunity to elect an exemplary attorney for judge of your great county. I have known Steve Jackson for several years and worked with and observed him in the Yakima County Superior courts. I find Steve to be intelligent, fair and firm and well informed as to the law. While possessing a wonderful sense of humor Steve is honest, straight forward and sober with regard to legal decisions. As an assistant prosecutor Steve always sought justice for the citizens of Yakima County and it will be no different when he serves as your judge. Steve is a remarkable man, who uses intellect over emotion when pursuing cases. He is a true gem and the citizens of Grays Harbor will benefit greatly with him on the bench. I highly recommend and fully endorse Steve Jackson for judge.”

— Will Paulakis,

Corporal, Retired, Yakima County Department of Corrections

“As the sheriff of Yakima County, I had many opportunities to work with Steve Jackson in his role as a deputy prosecutor. I found him to be exceptional in his professionalism, preparedness, and ethics. I wholeheartedly endorse Steve for a role on the bench. He is ready!”

— Robert Udell

“On behalf of Adolfo Banda, Jr. of Banda Law Offices, I wholeheartedly endorse Mr. Steve Jackson for Superior Court Judge for Grays Harbor County Washington. I have known Mr. Jackson for many years, both socially and professionally and believe that he has the social skills, temperament and legal knowledge to thrive in that position. He is compassionate and cares about his community. Moreover, he is a zealous advocate of the rule of law and would be an asset and a great addition to the Grays Harbor County Superior Court bench.”

— Adolfo Banda Jr.

“Steve is a very considerate person who is not only committed to the people but to the well-being of our environment.”

— Jody Nelson

“I had the opportunity to speak with Steve Jackson last evening. I was relieved to learn about this gentleman and his calm demeanor, and his strong values. This man has a moral compass, and appears to be kind and compassionate and understand humanity, and also the position of what the judge ship would hold. We spoke at length, probably for well over an hour. He’s a man of integrity, and he understands what the code of ethics as a judge and the code of conduct means. This is the kind of gentleman we need as a judge in Grays Harbor County or should I say all of us need. He will be impartial. He will be respectful and furthermore, he also understands he is a person that is scrutinized, and is also to uphold that integrity in public, and also in the court room. This is the kind of man you want representing your judicial system in Grays Harbor.”

—Robert Johnson

“The citizens of Grays Harbor County would be wise to elect Steve Jackson. He has the knowledge, integrity, and temperament to be an effective judge. He can be trusted to take the job seriously. I'm certain he'll strive for fairness in the administration of justice.”

—Bret Roberts

“I had the pleasure to work with Steve while at Grays Harbor County Prosecutor’s office, although it was brief. He is a reasonable and understanding individual who seeks justice for the community. I believe he will be a fine judge who will listen to all parties and make fair rulings based on the law.”

— Emily Leddige

After working with Steve in the Grays Harbor Prosecutor’s Office, I am confident that Steve will be a fair and impartial judge who will listen to both sides and make a well-reasoned decision.

— Monica Friedlander

“I had the honor of working alongside, and being mentored by, Steve during my time as a deputy prosecutor in Grays Harbor County. I also appeared regularly in front of his opponent, the incumbent. Steve will bring exactly what is needed to that courtroom, and which has so sadly been lacking: consistency, respect, and an even temperament. Steve fights hard for victims and he listens to families.

One of the things I respect the most about Steve is his judgement. Many end up in the criminal justice system because of struggles with addiction and trauma. Steve understands that, and he believes in finding paths for rehabilitation. The challenge of criminal practice is having the insight to know when that has to take a backseat in favor of community safety. Steve has that insight. I'm proud to give him my endorsement.”

— Leanne Stogsdill

What People Are Saying

We need you.

Your support means the world to me. I do not take it lightly and I am humbled by your faith in my ability to represent you as Judge.

I would be forever grateful for a show of support by displaying a campaign sign or allowing me to share your endorsement here.

Click the button to contact me and I’ll be in touch.